Make a Splash, Whale Works Design & Illustration

10 Tips for Social Media

Basic concepts of social media design work.

Here are 10 tips which I recommended for design related social media business marketing on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn:

  1. Make content creative, relevant and aesthetically pleasing
  2. Encourage user-generated content
  3. Use hashtags
  4. Link to other sites
  5. Have a content strategy
  6. Schedule time to dedicate to social media
  7. Track performance
  8. Have clear goals, do not waste your time and money
  9. Be consistent with current marketing campaigns
  10. Make sure results coming in are relevant to your business

Design is the intermediary between information and understanding.

Richard Grefé, Former AIGA Executive Director

Get started designing and implementing a strategic social media marketing plan.

Contact Suzanne at Whale Works Design today for a consultation.

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